Monday, January 11, 2010

So.. this will come as NO surprise to those who really know me. I totally started a fire in my microwave. I was cooking some bacon as I have done many times and waaaallllllaaaahhh! FIRE. What the heck?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If you have gone private on your blog I need an invite. I've been off this site for so long that apparently I need an invite to several of your blogs. If you don't see your name on the "people I know that blog" list, please give me your info. I'd love to catch up.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thanksgiving at Jim's parents house, 2009

Pictures my sister-in-law Holly took of Jim and I just for fun.

Welcome 2010! I am extatic that 2009 is over. I have so many new year resolutions, it's rediculous. I love the feeling of a new year. It's a lot like moving. It's a great chance to start over and be whoever you want to be. Unfortunately, I have had this opportunity so many times with all of our moves that I'm getting confused as to who I am, who I have been and who I WANT to be. :)

So... for my resolutions: (NOT IN OREDER OF PRIORITY)
I want to be the kind of person that stays on top of things. I want to say I'll do my visiting teaching and actually do it. But not just for the numbers... I want to know the sisters I visit teach and be their friend. I want to know their needs and help them however I can.

I want to be a better wife. I don't ever want my husband to doubt that he is my world. I want him to know that I am proud of him and happy to call myself his eternal companion. I want us to laugh together more.

I want to be a better mother. I want to work on not getting upset so easily over them "just being kids". I want to be the kindof mom they can always come and talk to.

I want to be a better friend. Heavenly Father has blessed me with AMAZING people in my life and I want them to know that I love them and am grateful for them.

I want to work on my spirituality. Starting with prayer. I have allowed myself to take that simple act for grantid and in order for me to rebuild my relationship with my Heavenly Father i need to start there.

Ok... that sounds like a good start. You notice that I didn't put anything about loosing weight... I want this list to be realistic. I know myself way better than that ! Heee hee. I'll work on it, but I'm not making any kind of resolution about it. :)

Now, life as I know it has once again changed and things have been turned upside down. We haven't been talking about it openly because I think we are still in bit of shock over the whole thing... at least, I am. The Saturday before Christmas, Jim quit the job that we moved to Logan for. It was a bad environment and became a joke of a situation. I won't go into details, but let's just say that the owner became IMPOSSIBLE to work for and it was better for him to quit than continue working there. He hasn't found a new job yet and we are praying that something comes a long soon.

I, on the other hand did find a new job. I started working for a company called Harris Research. It's the parent company for chem dry. I worked for them 11 years ago and really enjoyed it and was able to MIRACULOUSLY obtain a possition in their accounting department. I started the Wednesday before Christmas and have really enjoyed it. It's full time, Mon-fri. from 8-5, which means I'm now in bed at 10pm and up at 6am. Which is quite crazy for me!!!

Here's to hoping that 2010 is a better year. We are possitive and up beat and working hard to stay that way. We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years spending time with family and even had Hansens (our neighbors from Idaho Falls) show up at our door unexpectedly to spend Sunday with us. It was a totally wonderful suprise. She even managed to bring me some of Sister Belnaps homemade hot fudge which we made short and quick work of.

P.S. I forgot to add better journal keeping to my resolutions. I am hoping to keep my blog up to better date. :)