Sunday, September 14, 2008

So the pictures don't do it justice! This has been our project for the past year and more so this summer. It is so time for it to be done!!!! Jim has worked so hard and been so good to let the kids get in on the fun. The blue room is going to be Kailyn's and the pink one is Danaca's. The red room is the theatre room and the brown room withouth the beadboard is my scrapbook area. The other brown room with the beadboard is the family room. We are going to start moving stuff down this week. Sooo excited.


Mindie said...

Looks great! Basements are amazing, I miss ours, it so nice to have kids below you rather then bouncing off the walls above you! Thanks for your comment about my mom, I'll keep you posted for sure! xoxox

Camille said...

It looks so great.

The biznizzle said...

Niiiiice! That looks great. It is definitely nice to have someone who can do that. As for your husband, if he is anything like me, any excuse to buy more tools is a good thing. That's the only way I am able to accrue more tools. I think I need to fix something up at the house again. I've been itching for a new drill press and band saw.

TheCrowes said...

I wish I had a basement! That looks great. The theater room is awesome!