Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mock me if you must!

For those of you who have heard me say that I am not a big fan of reading... I found a book. Sadly, it's a kids book, but were taking baby steps. It's probably an very easy read for you Twilighter's out there, but this is one that my kids and I are reading together before nap time. It's called The Mysterious Benedict Society. It's very intriguing and mysterious!!


The Yeager Family said...

Sounds great, we'll have to try it. When you are finished you can read them Fablehaven. Fun fantasy book for kids, yet keeps adults entertained as well. We are on book three now, we read before bedtime. I am not "with it" enough to have a coordinated naptime like you. Really wish I were.
Loved your lesson on Sunday. You do great. I've been doing Gospel Doctrine since January, and I still get SO SCARED. I keep hoping I'll get used to it, but....

Bobbi Lee said...

I'm just glad you've found a book you're actally enjoying! I'll ave to check it out!!!

Krystal said...

oh thanx becky i was starting to wonder if maybe it was wierd since nobody said anything. i feel reassured. see you tonight. oh and i might need a ride if camille is being an idiot and won't get over the hot picture of her:)

Larsen said...

I am not mocking you one bit! Good for you. But I do think it's funny!


Camille said...

I wouldn't dare mock you!!!! What are you up to today? I am excited for a Friday night out on the town with the girls. Party on Garth!

Krystal said...

umm im excited for tonight if only because it will hopefully give you something to blog about..

Rachel said...

I just found your blog. Didn't know you had one too. Matt has talked about you a lot. Looks like you have a fun family. Nice blog too!