Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So I tried to find some pictures online but couldn't. My mom called me early this morning to tell me she was okay... I wasn't aware you weren't ok, I said. She proceeded to tell me that there was a very large fire in her back yard. OKAY, SCARY!!! I'm affraid of a lot of things, and fire is for sure high on that list. She gathered all of her pictures and loaded her car with the things she thought were important and her neighbor came and helped spray the hill in her backyard with water. I believe the fire was on the other side of a gully that was directly behind her house. There were a couple other houses up on that hill and if I can get permission to post it, I got a really neat email from one of those home owners. The fire was put out successfully and evacuation was not necessary, thank goodness.

On a side note.... I heard someone say something the other day that really struck me and made me want to really pray about who I am going to vote for in this election. Many people, including myself have said... "All we do in an election vote for the lesser of two evils". Neither candidate being of any great character. Well, voting for the lesser of two evils is STILL voting for evil. Think about that one!!

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